Smells of the season :)

Family Fun Night: an annual event that has turned into a tradition for not only our family, but also for about 80 other people in our community.

The purpose? To create wholesome, fun, family time, specifically as an alternative to Halloween.

This year was no exception – despite freezing cold weather, dozens of people gathered in our driveway to once again celebrate the onset of fall and beauty of the family. Such a blessing it is to see families come together, and enjoy being together, playing together, and working together!

Games were specifically chosen for the purpose of encouraging father-leadership in the home and teamwork/cooperation. With this purpose in mind, there was hilarious fun to watch entire families, with ankles tied together, or with cardboard in hand, as they tried to get from point A to point B, working diligently toward the common goal of winning. Smile

Hay rides (in the dark)Can you guess how many were in the jar?

The announcer/game management teamWho can get the candy corn into the cup, without hands? The team with the most candy in the cup wins!IMG_1987

Teamwork -- everyone must be alert, listening for the leader's command. IMG_1995

Food and fellowshipHanging doughnuts for the traditional game of eating doughnuts on a string, without using your hands! Such sticky deliciousness.


May the Lord bless each family, strengthen the inner relationships, and allow many more joy-filled, memory-making times to be created as we embrace the blessings God has given us!

We’re looking forward to next year!!!