We have known the Sorensen family for a few years now, and what an encouragement they have been to us! Enthusiasm, energy, joy, creativity, educated refinement… these traits combined with a wholehearted love for Jesus Christ make this family a shining example for the Lord. They are just… well, simply Sorensen. Smile

With great anticipation we looked forward to a visit with them for several months, and finally, it happened! The hospitality of the Sorensen Lodge was incredible. We came away immensely blessed and refreshed.

Fellowship around yummy snacks:-)

Girl time!As you can see, he was mildly concerned with the energetic action taking place in the playroom

Buddies!!Getting in position for a game of Occupation

Playing Airsoft and walking the perimeter of their property:

IMG_9246Simply Sorensen :-)

Adorable!Leading the way

Obstacles that hinder OUR pursuits in life often direct us toward GOD'S will and perfect planSweet

Fun with the swing:

Big brother helps little sister -- preciousIMG_9272


The Sorensen’s treated us like royalty. On Saturday, we took a trip to a local bowling alley for an afternoon loaded with strikes and spares… well, not exactly. Smile A sparing few were so blessed, but the rest of us just realized how strikingly rusty our bowling techniques are. Smile At any rate…


StylishDiscipleship bowlingWay to go!

Action!Take careful aim...... plan and prepare. Know where your ball is going...... and let 'er fly!

Then… they took us to a Japanese Steakhouse for a special birthday celebration. Most of us had never visited one before, and what an interesting, delightful meal awaited us!

Ready for the excitement to beginIMG_9351IMG_9353

IMG_9357Savory Japanese soup

Poof! (notice facial expressions in the background :-))These guys were only half chef... the stunts they pulled were amazing!

The chicken-throwing contest... see if you can catch it!Not quite...Get ready... open wide...

:-)Flinging chow (Notice the chicken pieces flying through the air :-))She caught it!!! Huzzah!

Hibachi veggiesOnion volcano

DessertHappy Birthday!

On Sunday, we attended church with them and were privileged to be there on a week when Mr. Sorensen was preaching. He spoke from the life of Peter; we saw the perfect timing of the Lord played out again as the message seemed tailored to the current events of our lives. Praise the Lord! Thank you, Mr. Sorensen, for letting the Word dwell in you richly, and for standing boldly to make an impact for the Kingdom of God.

Simply Sorensen :-) :-)

Thank you, Sorensens!